Consultation on admission arrangements 2026/2027. We will be consulting on our admission arrangements for 2026/2027 through Plymouth City Council. The consultation will be live between Tuesday 10 December 2024 and Sunday 19 January 2025. If you wish to find out about our policy or make any comment, please visit Consultation on school admission arrangements | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK




A very warm welcome to Whitleigh Community Primary School, a school at the centre of the community with a staff team who care deeply for all pupils. The pupils are the focus of all our efforts, we want our children to feel safe and be happy and enjoy their learning. We have three golden threads throughout our school - Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. We are proud of our children for demonstrating these three values in the way they conduct themselves within school and beyond. 

We value all children equally and will strive to enable pupils to achieve their full potential academically, whilst we also continue to develop the "whole person"

We develop self-worth and enthusiasm by encouraging independent learning for children of all ages and promote social interaction through developing communication, language and literacy skills from Nursery up to age 11.

We aim to prepare our pupils for the challenges and opportunities of a complex and technologically advanced society through creative, innovative and motivating approaches to teaching and learning.

We have wonderful grounds and enjoy the benefits of the shared facilities with the secondary school enabling us to build strong links and provide more exciting learning opportunities for the children of Whitleigh. 

If you are a parent or child looking for a new school, come and join us. Come and be a part of the Whitleigh family. 


Mark Dyson
