School Uniform
School Uniform and Appearance
All children are expected to wear the school uniform set out below. School logo sweatshirts and T shirts are available from the National School Wear Shop, Mayflower St, Plymouth.
School uniform is:
- a royal blue sweatshirt with or without the school logo
- white shirt or polo shirt
- grey or black trousers or skirt/ pinafore dress for girls
- black sensible shoes - no logo's
- white, blue, black or grey socks/ tights
- In the summer the girls can wear summer dresses (blue and white checked) and the boys can wear black or grey school shorts.
And for PE (in a named PE bag):
- royal blue or white t-shirt
- royal blue shorts (blue, black or grey tracksuit trousers in colder weather)
- plimsolls or trainers
Children are permitted to wear a watch and stud earrings but no other forms of jewellery. (Stud earrings should be removed on PE days for your child’s safety) Children are not permitted to wear any makeup including nail varnish and we discourage the wearing of any fashion accessories or extreme hairstyles.
On joining the school the children will be issued with a school book bag and water bottle. If these are lost or damaged further ones can be purchased from the school office.
All articles including shoes should be clearly named!