

Fluent reading and comprehension of what has been read opens up the entire curriculum to the children in our school. Not only this, but being successful readers now will provide the children in our school with the foundations that they will need for further schooling and employment opportunities. Our focus is to foster a love of reading and being committed to ensure that our children become confident readers.  


For more information about Early Reading at Whitleigh please click on the link below:


Early Reading at Whitleigh Community Primary School


Reading journey at Whitleigh Community Primary School

Word Reading


Sound discrimination



Oral blending and segmenting


Working with sound phonemes - grapheme correspondence


Blending phonemes to read words


Reading a sequence of words that make up a sentence

Phonics and Accelerated reader combination

Children who did not pass their KS1 phonics screening check but are developing their comprehension skills will have a phonetically decodable book – linked to their RWI group as well as at AR book at the appropriate level.

Solely Accelerated Reader

Star tests are undertaken to ascertain ZPD. Children then work up through the ZPD range when their pass rate shows they are comprehending what they are reading.


Once children are able to complete the RWI sequence, skills and understanding, they will move to whole class reciprocal reading sessions.  If a child does not pass the phonics screening in KS1, then they will remain in a KS2 RWI phonic intervention.

Further support in reading

Any children who require further support in reading will receive this on a smaller group or 1:1 basis. This may include: RWI 1:1 intervention; target reader sessions with CT and TA; precision teaching linked to IEP targets; speed reading intervention or another appropriate intervention such as pre reading texts needed to be used in class.

Reading books at WCPS

Independent reading will be sequential so that it is able to effectively develop children’s fluency, comprehension and pleasure for reading. Phonics and early reading are made a priority.






Phonic reading book – based on RWI group


Library book

KS1 – on RWI

Phonic reading book – based on RWI group

Can you read to me?


Library book

KS1 – not on RWI

Renaissance Reading

Library book

KS2 – phonic intervention


Phonic reading book – based on RWI book

Renaissance Reading

Library book

KS2 – not phonic intervention


Renaissance Reading

Library book


Providing this structure ensures that all children are reading books that are appropriate for their ability when reading independently and that they learning is moving forward.



Synthetic Phonics Programme

Across the school, we use a range of learning approaches to teach phonics using  Read, Write Inc. Once children can read, learning is progressed in reading using Accelerated Reader. Our phonics page explains how we use Read, Write Inc. in school and how you can support your child at home.

Renaissance Reading

When children have completed RWI, they will access the Renaissance reading scheme. Each short term (6 times a year) children undertake a STAR test. This intelligent programming assesses the children’s reading skills and compression and provides them with a ZPD reading range. Children are then able to self-select books, within their reading range to read and take a comprehension quiz. Class teachers are able to access the children’s scores to see how they are scoring and check the frequency of taking tests. Children are provided with a daily Renaissance Reading slot in school as well as taking books home.

Reciprocal reading

Whole class reading sessions take place three times a week following the reciprocal reading model – that is using: predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising techniques to comprehend what they have read. Working in groups in this way, children are able to develop their listening and reading skills, which are transferable to other learning contexts. The use of oral language skills is a high priority within this approach as well as critical thinking.

Core texts

Core texts used in English teaching sequences have been specifically chosen to enable both the reading and writing elements of the curriculum to be taught. Where possible, these will link to another area of the curriculum so that cross curricular links are made and the use of subject specific vocabulary is enhanced. A class set of books has been purchased for each core text so that children can follow with the teacher as the text is read.

Class Libraries – access to books at WCPS

We intend to expose all children in the school to high quality, vocabulary rich texts that challenge and extend. We have created class libraries, with age appropriate texts for the children to select. These areas are created so that they are inviting for the children where they want to spend time selecting, reading and sharing books. In having access to these books and the ethos created in school, the aim is that our children will develop a love of reading as well as the functional skills to allow them to access the curriculum and the world beyond primary school.


Pleasure for reading

Promoting a love of reading is essential in developing children who are life long readers.

  • Class readers
  • Hearing adults reading aloud
  • Book corners
  • Daily reading in class
  • Library visits and local library challenges
  • Focus authors
  • World book week events
  • Book fairs
  • Toast and Tales
  • Bedtime story events
  • Video readings
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Certificates and prizes for Renaissance Reading
  • Visiting authors