
Speaking and listening often appear as the poor relation within the English Curriculum with far greater emphasis on reading and writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling. The spoken language objectives that run through the English curriculum and link across all curriculum areas are rarely given the same status as that of other curriculum areas.

The Speak For Change Report By The Oracy All-Party Parliamentary Group 

In April 2021, The Oracy All-Party Parliamentary Group published their report Speak for Change. The report highlights the importance of oral language within the classroom and makes many recommendations for the future. 

The Speak for Change reports defines oracy as ‘our ability to communicate effectively using spoken language. It is the ability to speak eloquently, articulate ideas and thoughts, influence through talking, listen to others and have the confidence to express your views.’ In other words, it is an essential life skill which we need to support all pupils to develop. The report states that oracy matters because it:

  • Improves educational outcomes
  • Underpins literacy and vocabulary acquisition
  • Supports well-being and confidence
  • Enables young people to have access to employment and thrive in life beyond school
  • Develops citizenship and agency

By making links with oracy across the curriculum it is our aim to:

  • Engage every learner in talk
  • Allow pupils to focus and organise their thoughts
  • Provide a clear focus for dialogue to take place
  • Enable pupils to rehearse explanations and articulate their understanding
  • Build confidence in using sequenced oral narrative language
  • Encourage pupils to reflect on, review and improve oral language – in a similar way to the way written work is redrafted
  • To improve writing outcomes for pupils across our school


 In year 6 this year the children have been taking part in Debate Mate